"No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education 接受联邦财政援助的项目或活动.
Title IX is a Federal law that prohibits discrimination based on sex in educational 接受联邦财政援助的项目和活动. 程序示例 和受第九条约束的活动包括申请人(e.g.招生, employment), financial aid, academic programs, athletics, housing, and employment. Title IX protects students, employees, and recruits from all forms of sex discrimination (e.g., sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, pregnancy or related conditions, sexual 性倾向、性别认同)、基于性别的骚扰(例如.g.交换条件,恶劣的环境 sexual assualt/violence, relationship violence, stalking), and other forms of non-harassment 性别歧视(e).g.,差别待遇,未能提供合理修改 怀孕或相关情况,报复). 这些统称为第九条 禁止的行为. 科技将这些被禁止的行为或行为称为性行为 不当行为或被禁止的行为. 这些被禁止的行为也被认为是一种 violation of ag亚游集团App下载’s Sexual Misconduct Policy that applies to all Tech’s 学生和员工.
ag亚游集团App下载’s 第九条协调员 monitors and oversees the University’s compliance 在防止性别歧视方面遵守第九条和有关法律. 这包括 the coordination of education and training activities and the response to Title IX complaints. 学生,教师,管理人员,工作人员,或其他谁参与 Tech’s education programs and activities with questions, concerns, or complaints about sex/gender-based discrimination, stalking, intimate partner violence, sex harassment or other forms of sexual misconduct are encouraged to contact Tech’s 第九条协调员:
彼得·法亚博士.D. ag亚游集团App下载副主席菲德尔学生中心238 勒罗伊广场801号 Socorro, NM 87801 (575) 835-5953关. (575) 322-0001室. Email: titleixcoordinator@2046zxyx.com
Dr. Phaiah is available to meet with students or employees who need information or guidance about sex discrimination, Title IX 禁止的行为, and sexual misconduct. 正常办公时间是周一到周五早上8点.m. 直到下午5点.m. but 如果需要,也可以在这些时间之外预约.
兰迪·萨维德拉 平权行动/平等就业机会委员会主任 & ADA合规官克莱默大厅115 勒罗伊广场801号 Socorro, NM 87801 (575) 835-5005. email: randy.saavedra@2046zxyx.com 网页:maps.2046zxyx.com/affirmative-action
特里萨卡柏 菲德尔学生中心261 Socorro, NM 87801 电话:575-835-6209 Email: theresa.kappel@2046zxyx.com有关更多信息,请参见 新墨西哥科技公司不当性行为政策 or Procedures for Reporting Incidents of Misconduct or Title IX Offenses below.
你们中的一些人可能已经听说了美国政府最近发布的新规定.S. Department 教育的公民权利办公室(OCR). 科技公司已经初步修改了它的 新墨西哥科技公司不当性行为政策 accordingly and to be in compliance with, the Clery Act, Violence Against Women 法案(VAWA)和适用的新墨西哥州法律. 我们需要不断地合作 with many constituents to address those related issues that outside the scope or jusidiction of Title IX but that are still needed and will be covered by the 性行为不端 政策和学生行为准则. 科技仍然坚定地致力于我们的工作 in preventing, educating, and responding to issues of sexual misconduct and intimate 合作伙伴/关系暴力.
The following policies and procedures govern Tech’s response to complaints of sexual 不当行为和被禁止的行为:
- 不当性行为投诉流程图
- 学生行为和公民指南 (非学术政策)
- 性行为不端报告的选择和程序
- 学生性行为不端案件的非第九条正式解决程序
- 举报不当性行为的方法及程序(西班牙文)
- 新墨西哥州对妇女暴力行为犯罪的定义
- 第九条规定的员工报告义务 员工手册 (附录D:性侵犯举报程序)
- 回应性行为不端举报的程序
- 《AG亚游集团app》(Campus SaVE)
- 1972年教育修正案第九条
- 涉及学生的性行为不端调查程序
- 如果你是被告/被告,应遵循的程序
- 保安及消防安全年度报告/罪案统计数字
- 性行为不当风险降低提示
- Know Your Rights: Pregnancy and Parenting- Title IX Protects You From Discrimination at School
- 性行为不端的制裁准则/第九条违反
- Roles and Responsibilities 提倡者/支援人员
- Pregnacy & 亲子OCR资源
The 1974年的《ag亚游集团App下载》, as amended (sometimes referred to as the Buckley Amendment), is a federal law that protects the privacy of education records of all students enrolled in schools beyond 高中水平. 学校被要求维护这种隐私,主要是通过 限制记录的发布和对这些记录的访问. FERPA下, education records are defined as records that are directly related to a student and are maintained by an education 机构或机构 or by a party acting for the 机构或机构. 信息可以以任何方式记录,包括,但是 not limited to, handwriting, print, computer media, videotape, audiotape, film, microfilm, 缩微胶卷和电子邮件.
Any educational institution that receives funds under any program administered by the U.S. 教育部长受FERPA要求的约束. 机构, fail to comply with FERPA may have funds administered by the Secretary of Education withheld. The U.S. 教育部有一个网站上面有关于 FERPA.
Students may grant the 第九条办公室 permission to release information about their 向第三方(包括父母、继父母等)提供的记录.),填妥 FERPA在线授权. 请注意,您必须单独填写 each parent, family member, or other individual to whom you wish to grant access to 有关您个案的资料. 请点击 here 才能拿到释放表格. 如果您没有理工学院学生帐户,请填写 contact titleixcoordinator@2046zxyx.com 通过电子邮件获取表格.
Once completed and submitted to the 第九条办公室, we will reach out to student 以确认授权已到位.
Complainant’s Rights Related to Sex-based Discrimination/Sexual Misconduct, Stalking, 关系暴力和报复案件
Respondent’s Rights Related to Sex-based Discrimination/Sexual Misconduct, Stalking, 关系暴力和报复案件
While the University encourages an individual who has experienced sexual misconduct to make an official report, whether the person chooses to do so, they are urged to 寻求适当的帮助. 有许多资源和临时安全措施 学生和员工 on campus at NMT or externally in the community or region. Specific resources, either on or off campus for medical treatment, legal evidence collection, obtaining information, support, counseling, understand rights, and officially 举报不当性行为的方法如下:
NMT性行为不端报告选项 & Procedures——西班牙语Vesrion
- NMT警察局(NMPD或CamPo)- 911 从校园电话或打(575)835-5555从手机. 电话或外线座机. CamPo位于学生活动中心(SAC)
- Student Health Provider- (575) 835-5094; 1st floor Fidel; 机密报告 (information provided to a 机密报告 will not be shared without the individual's consent)
- Counseling Services - (575) 835-6619; 1st floor Fidel; 机密报告
- 第九条协调员-(575) 835-5953或(575)835-5880; titleixcoordinator@2046zxyx.com; 菲德尔学生中心238
- Office of AA/EEOC- (575) 835-5005; 克莱默大厅115
- 校园网(机密的员工);
Richard Sonnenfelt博士.D., richard.sonnenfeld@2046zxyx.com, 575-838-7113,工人347,教职员参议院申诉专员
格洛丽亚Gutierrez-Anaya, gloria.gutierrez-anaya@nmt.ed, 575-835-6545,梅西101,工作人员监察员
- CamPo's 非紧急 校园线的电话号码是x-5434,小区电话号码是(575)835-5434. phone or 外线.
- 完成并提交技术在线 Title IX & 不当性行为举报表格 by clicking the URL below or by cutting and pasting this URL into your browser http://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?NewMexicoTech&layout_id=1. These reports can be made anonymous but this may limit the Institution's ability 有后续的问题和调查.
- Anonymous reports can also be made by victims and/or third parties using the online 报告表格载于 NMT平权行动办公室,或致电(575)835-5005举报.
- 索科罗警察局(SPD),救护车,或其他紧急情况 9-911 从校园电话或者 911 从一个细胞. 电话或外线.
社区资源 & Partners:
- Socorro General Hospital (SGH)- (575) 835-1140 select Emergency Room (ER) from the 记录选项
- 索科罗精神保健- (575)835-2444
- Socorro General Medical Group Clinic- (575) 838-4690, Tona Hudson (LCSW) is a current resource for psychiatric needs, therapy, and connect victims with appropriate resources 在该地区.
- Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE)- (505) 884-7263; Albuquerque (transportation 可通过NMTPD获取)
- 新墨西哥州中部强奸危机中心电话:(505)266-7711或(888)881-8282
- 新墨西哥危机线 & 接入线- (855)662-7474
- 自杀热线和988危机热线
- 新墨西哥危机,暖线(点对点)- (855)466-7100
- 新墨西哥危机,TTY线- (855)227-5485
- 阿尔伯克基Agora热线- (505)277-3013
- CrisisText-文本HOME到741741
- 长老会医疗服务- (575)835-4444
- NMT Employee Assistant Program (EAP): Corporate Health Resource- (800) 348-3232
- 全国自杀预防- (800)273-8255
- NMT咨询中心:菲德尔学生中心套房151 - (575) 835-6619
- NMT健康中心:菲德尔学生中心套房151- (575) 835-5094
- 索科罗精神健康诊所: 1200美国60号公路 – (575) 835-2444
- 全国家庭暴力热线: (800) 799-7233
- 全国性侵犯热线: (800) 656-4673
- 阿尔伯克基强奸危机: 1025 Hermosa博士. 东南,Albuquerque, NM 87108 email:www.强奸危机.org – (505) 266-7711
- 上面列出的所有资源(社区资源) & 合作伙伴)是保密的 resources in most all cases (some reports involving minors are mandatory reports).
- 透过企业健康资源推行员工援助计划: http://corporatehealthresources.com/ – (800)348-3232
- 索科罗精神健康诊所: 美国60号公路1200号 (575) 835-2444
- 全国家庭暴力热线: (800) 799-7233
- 全国性侵犯热线: (800) 656-4673
- 阿尔伯克基强奸危机: 1025 Hermosa博士. 东南,Albuquerque, NM 87108 email:www.强奸危机.org – (505) 266-7711
要求对新员工进行不当性行为和第九条意识培训 (Spanish Version)
Teen Dating Violence Can Lead To Homicide — And Girls Are The Most Common Victims (NPR, 2019年4月15日)
Employees' Obligation to Report Sexual Misconduct to the Campus 第九条办公室
请联系NMT的第九条协调员 titleixcoordinator@2046zxyx.com or (575) 835-5953 了解更多信息.